a baby wrapped in a fleece blanket

Newton Baby

Advanced audience strategy scales Facebook + Instagram performance

Combining audiences improves efficiency

Newton Baby came to Adlucent (now BarkleyOKRP) with aggressive goals to grow their business. After efficiently running digital marketing for several months, we used audience insights to improve returns even more and help scale the business.


The mattress brand wanted to scale its Facebook and Instagram advertising program to reach and acquire more audiences while still achieving an efficient return on ad spend (ROAS). With too many disjointed campaigns running simultaneously, it was unsure how to consolidate its efforts to maximize its social media advertising dollars.


Our team tested a new audience structure across Facebook and Instagram ad targeting and found that multiple audiences that performed well in separate ad sets performed even better when combined, including repeat purchasers, recent purchasers, and high AOV shoppers. This strategy effectively leveraged Facebook’s audience algorithm to find more relevant, high-value shoppers and improve campaign efficiency.

We determined that these combined audiences gave Facebook a better picture of exactly who we were targeting with our campaigns. For example, merging all past customers with repeat purchasers and high-value customers has resulted in a 4.0 lifetime ROAS for prospecting. Those audiences had individually averaged at a 3.6 ROAS, and now CPMs dropped, too, boosting performance across the board.

Solution: Audience alchemy triumph

Creating new audiences drove more customer retention and higher-value orders from consumers. The brand benefitted from an 11% improvement in prospecting campaigns’ return on ad spend and saw a 36% improvement in CPM in two months.

a graph showing improvement in CPM and ROAS over time


“Adlucent (now BarkleyOKRP) has been an excellent partner in paid social media. They’ve dramatically scaled our account while maintaining some of the highest ROAS goals in the industry.”

Aaron Zagha, CMO at Newton Baby

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