Privacy Policy

BarkleyOKRP is committed to safeguarding your privacy on its websites.

What this privacy policy covers.

BarkleyOKRP’s websites are located at the domains,, microsites that BarkleyOKRP may create in the future, and extranet sites that BarkleyOKRP has now or may create or use in the future (the “websites”).

What this privacy policy does not cover.

This privacy policy does not apply to products or services provided, or information obtained, other than through the websites, nor does this privacy policy apply to the practices of companies that BarkleyOKRP does not own or control, or to people that BarkleyOKRP does not employ or manage.

Changes in this privacy policy.

Please read the following policy to understand how your information will be treated. BarkleyOKRP may change this policy from time to time so please check back periodically. Please keep in mind that some of the services mentioned specifically in this policy may not be available on the websites at this time. If you have questions concerning this policy, please contact This Privacy Policy is effective when posted on websites.

Who is collecting information?

When you are on BarkleyOKRP’s websites and are asked for personal information, you are sharing that information with BarkleyOKRP and its affiliates and service providers. If you do not want your data to be shared, you can choose not to allow the transfer by not using that particular service.

Please be aware that other websites to which we may link may collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit those websites. The information practices of other websites linked to or from our websites are not covered by this privacy policy, and BarkleyOKRP is not responsible for the activities, policies, or conduct of such sites. For information concerning the policies of such sites, you should review the privacy policies posted on those sites.

What information does BarkleyOKRP collect from you?

BarkleyOKRP collects or may in the future collect the following categories of personally identifiable information through the websites: your name (or company name), address, phone, email address, username, and password.

If you register at any of our websites, you will no longer be anonymous to BarkleyOKRP and you will be able to take better advantage of our services. We reserve the right to ask you for your BarkleyOKRP account information or a BarkleyOKRP account number.

We may ask you for information at other times, such as when you report a problem with our websites or services, or contact the company via the corporate or other email addresses provided at the websites. If you contact Barkley, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

BarkleyOKRP reserves the right to collect the following additional personally identifiable information from you via the websites or via other means or methods:

  1. Information necessary to install and use any new features we add to the websites;
  2. Additional personal and company information if you become a customer or client of BarkleyOKRP;
  3. Pertinent payment and financial information, such as credit card information, bank account information, or other information necessary to effect payment for our services if you become a customer or client of BarkleyOKRP;
  4. Your BarkleyOKRP account number;
  5. Such other information as may be necessary or useful for us to serve you.

If you believe that any inaccurate or inappropriate information has been obtained or disseminated through your use of the websites, you should contact a representative of BarkleyOKRP at

How does BarkleyOKRP use the information?

BarkleyOKRP’s primary goal in collecting information is to improve the websites and provide the user with the best possible experience on the website.

BarkleyOKRP will also use your personal information to notify you of other products or services available from BarkleyOKRP and its affiliates.

BarkleyOKRP may research its users’ demographics and behavior based on the information provided to us upon registration, gathered from transaction activity, from our server log files or from surveys. This research may be compiled, analyzed or sold on an aggregated basis, which does not include information identifying individual users. BarkleyOKRP also may share this aggregated data with business partners or other third parties.

BarkleyOKRP may also use your information in the ways stated immediately below under “With whom does BarkleyOKRP share your information?”

With whom does BarkleyOKRP share your information?

  1. Personally Identifiable or Account Information. BarkleyOKRP may provide your personally identifiable information and account information to third parties under the following circumstances or for the following purposes:
    1. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information for the purpose of processing that information on behalf of BarkleyOKRP. Such disclosure is made to BarkleyOKRP’s affiliates and trusted business partners or persons, and BarkleyOKRP asks that such parties process the information only in accordance with BarkleyOKRP’s instructions and maintain appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
    2. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information for use in website hosting, packaging and mailing, order fulfillment, answering customer questions about products or services, sending postal mail, providing investor information and processing data. Such disclosure is made to companies who may provide such services to BarkleyOKRP. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.
    3. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information when BarkleyOKRP has reason to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating BarkleyOKRP’s Terms of Service, or may otherwise be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) BarkleyOKRP’s rights or property, other BarkleyOKRP website users or customers, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities.
    4. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information when BarkleyOKRP believes in good faith that the law requires it, or for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service and improve our products and services.
    5. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.
    6. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information when BarkleyOKRP believes it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of BarkleyOKRP’s terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.
    7. BarkleyOKRP may provide such information if BarkleyOKRP acquires, or is acquired by or merged with another company, or if BarkleyOKRP sells or buys the assets of another person or company. In such transactions, confidential and personally identifiable customer or client information generally is one of the transferred business assets. In the event of a transaction involving the sale of some or all of BarkleyOKRP businesses, customer and site visitor information may be one of the transferred assets.
  2. Data in the Aggregate. BarkleyOKRP may disclose blinded aggregated data and user statistics to prospective partners and other third parties, as well as to others for lawful purposes. Blinded data is data which does not identify an individual person.

What are cookies and how does BarkleyOKRP use them?

As part of offering and providing customizable and personalized services, many websites use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We may use cookies to allow faster and easier access to your account information, monitor traffic on the websites, and measure traffic patterns to improve functionality. BarkleyOKRP web pages may also contain electronic images known as web beacons (sometimes called clear gifs or web bugs), direct server-to-server connections (like Facebook’s Conversion API) or other advanced technologies that are useful to both BarkleyOKRP and you as you use our services. We may use such devices to verify compliance with our terms of service or in connection with any promotions on the websites.

By accepting our Privacy Policy, you are accepting our usage of all of these types of technologies.

How can I control my personal information?

You may contact us at if you wish to view, edit or delete your personal information from our database, and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate your request. Moreover, as noted above, if you do not want your data to be shared, you can choose not to allow the transfer by not using that particular service.

Does BarkleyOKRP protect financial information collected on its websites?

BarkleyOKRP does not presently collect financial information via its websites; however, as stated above, it reserves the right to do so in the future.

Security precautions to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your information.

Your BarkleyOKRP Account Information and BarkleyOKRP Profile are password-protected; however, BarkleyOKRP does not presently use encryption technology for passwords, registration, or other information.

We strongly recommend that you sign out of your BarkleyOKRP account and close your browser window when you have finished your work or viewing of BarkleyOKRP’s websites. This is to ensure that others cannot access your account by using your computer when you are away from it.

Because of the global nature of the World Wide Web and the Internet, when you give us information, that information may be sent electronically to servers outside of the country where you originally entered the information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Since BarkleyOKRP websites do not use security encryption measures, information that you disclose by use of this site (as with any site that is non-secure), by posting a message or using email, potentially could be collected and used by others. This may result in unsolicited messages from third parties or use of such information by third parties for their own purposes, legal or illegal.

As a result, although BarkleyOKRP strives to protect your personal information, BarkleyOKRP cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our services, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we use reasonable efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

What else should I know about my privacy?

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose information online, that information is accessible to other customers and users. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and/or any account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.

When you or BarkleyOKRP end your customer relationship with us, we will treat the information we have about you as if you were still our customer.

Questions and Suggestions If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us at

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