homeless veterans sleeping on park benches and in alleyways

Veterans Community Project

Mission accomplished


Video — Veterans Community Project: Homeless Listings Case Study

Veterans Community Project: Homeless Listings Case Study


Over 30,000 American veterans are homeless every night. How can BarkleyOKRP help the Veterans Community Project (VCP) gain attention without spending its limited resources?


How can we show affluent Americans the harsh reality of veteran homelessness by infiltrating familiar vacation rental sites like Airbnb and VRBO with listings depicting real homeless encampments?

Solution: We created Homeless Listings

Using guerilla marketing tactics, we showcased Google Maps images of homeless encampments to create sober rental listings. With a hyper-targeted plan, we launched during Veterans Day Weekend, leading to a 600% increase in donations and a 10-fold increase in donors, all with a budget of zero dollars.


over 30,000 veterans sleep on the streets
temporary housing being built for homeless veterans
an empty lot where temporary housing is being built for homeless veterans
Homeless Listings
a fake AirB&B listing for homeless encampments
an encampment of homeless veterans
a veteran in close-up, standing in front of a house and an American flag
a veteran in close-up, standing in front of a house
a veteran standing in front of a small shotgun shack

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