a woman makes an Easter lamb cake decorated with Brach's candies


Making moments sweeter for Gen Z

Brach's Tiny Conversation Hearts

Video — Brach’s Tiny Conversation Hearts

Brach’s Tiny Conversation Hearts


We were tasked with modernizing the 120-year-old brand’s equity to be more relevant and focused on togetherness during special occasions year-round. 


Millennial and Xennial parents aim to create family traditions, but overwhelming holiday expectations will often get in the way of true connection. We needed to reintroduce Brach’s to young parents and remind them of how delicious true connection can be.

Solution: Sweet tradition revamped

Brach’s brings people together in simple moments that make the holidays sweeter and more meaningful. With campaigns around Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas, the #1 seasonal sugar brand reminds consumers that connections come in the simplest form.

We crafted content across production tiers, from lo-fi to hi-fi. From OLV to social media assets to audio ads, BarkleyOKRP ensured Brach’s spread the sweetness across channels that younger consumers were tuning into and engaging in.

Brach's Classic Candy Corn

Video — Brach’s Classic Candy Corn

Brach’s Classic Candy Corn


Brach's Classic Jelly Bird Eggs

Video — Brach’s Classic Jelly Bird Eggs

Brach’s Classic Jelly Bird Eggs

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