July TRENDspotting Report.

July TRENDspotting Report.


Welcome to the July edition of the BarkleyOKRP trends report, our monthly snapshot of what inspires, informs and occupies the modern consumer’s attention so brands can better connect with their audiences.

While summer often slows down, trending content seems to have kicked into high gear this year.

With movie releases that are sure to be in the cultural zeitgeist for years (Deadpool x Wolverine), being taken behind the scenes at the Olympics by the athletes themselves for the first time ever (we’ll dive deep into that next month after the games wrap up), and the two macro trends we cover below – July has been packed with culture-defining moments. 

So, without further ado, let’s explore… 


Here are two trends we observed over the past month that are part of a bigger cultural story. 

The Kamalanominom

Charlie XCX Album Cover

Boy Nostalgia Hit an All-Time High

Things to Watch Out for in August 

While we can’t see into the future (yet), here are some things that we think are highly likely to become topics of conversation and/or generators of the next big meme in August! 

Emily in Paris Cover Art

That sums up the highlights for last month. If you want more, download our appendix to see what we’ve been tracking per platform over the month. We’ll return after the last Friday of the month to discuss everything that happened that month. And, as we always ask internally, let us know if we missed anything! We’d love to hear what trends you’re seeing pop up on your FYPs!

The BarkleyOKRP TRENDspotting report is a must-read for the modern consumer (and the brands hopping to attract + retain the modern consumer). Follow along each month as our in-house trend experts, FUEL, highlight the who, what + why this matters.

For a thorough evaluation to help your brand build its biggest future, contact our Chief Growth Officer, Jason Parks, at jparks@barkleyokrp.com.

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